The Breath Belt- We are now the UK & Ireland Distributor

We are hugely excited to the the UK & Ireland distributor of The Breath Belt. After trialing the belt and learning of its benefits over the past 6 months, it was a no-brainer for us, it just makes absolute sense.

Personally I often drive 3000 miles/month visiting clients and it takes its toll on the lower back and trunk. It would often take 30-40 minutes of mobility drills and movements to get the body and head ready for a deadlift or squat session due the trunk not feeling fluid or "switched on" if that makes sense. Now I am down to 15-20 minutes with the belt on, with the first few sets opting to wear the belt to grease the groove and feel good about loading the bar.

So what is The Breath Belt?

Developed by NFL player Jesse Ohliger, THE BREATH BELT is a patented diaphragmatic breath training tool that activates the gluteal muscles by keeping the abdominals turned on thru dynamic movement. The nonstop, tactile diaphragmatic breath cues alleviate muscles and fascial restriction of the abdominal muscles, allowing the Psoas and Quadratus Lumborum Muscles to function with less restriction.

THE BREATH BELT is made specifically for gym goers, Crossfit athletes, powerlifters and everyone else who could benefit from improved breath coaching. The Breath Belt is made with high quality, mobile and durable material to handle loads of world class strength and power athletes. 


THE BREATH BELT can be applied thru multiple areas of training from dynamic warmup, rotational power and speed movements, heavy hinge work, active cool down and recovery. This early success hip extension tool has quickly become a staple in the Powerlifting Community, and is  used by a wide range of male and female collegiate, professional and olympic sports teams including the USA Olympic Swimming and Dive teams. THE BREATH BELT is also a medical product used as a better option to the traditional back brace as it is the only product of its kind designed to alleviate back pain as an active (vs. passive) training tool.


• Enhance Breathing - Enhance Diaphragmatic Breathing – Improving Performance

• Reduce Back Pain - Turn on Psoas & QL Muscles via Tactile Breath Cues to Stabilize the Spine

• Regulates Stress - Increasing Lung Capacity & Allows Your Nervous System to Maintain a Relaxed State.

• Align Hips - Lengthens Tight Hip Flexors, Balancing the Hips and Decompressing Lumbar Spine

• Recover Faster - When You Breath Better, Fuller, and Deeper – You Recover Faster

• Train Intra Abdominal Pressure - Encourage an Unrestricted Diaphragm, Allowing Abdominals to maintain their Elasticity

• Rehab Catalyst - Keep Hips Balanced Pre-Post Operation or Rehabilitation

Check out the product here: THE BREATH BELT