Our Story

The Gym Company was born in 2019 and is part of Omnia Creative Ltd, an owner-led business, specialising in health, fitness, and performance solutions.

Owner & Founder Tom Haynes has been a Coach/PT/Sports therapist for 21 years, a gym owner, consultant, product designer, and gym designer for over 18 years. Working with some of the most well-known strength brands, organisations, health clubs, and sporting teams here in the UK and abroad, has given a clear direction on how gyms should be and how specific areas should be planned/built.
Before re-entering the health & fitness industry, he was pursuing a promising professional rugby career with Harlequins, during this exciting and steep journey he trained as a surveyor and architect for a professional career after rugby, but a couple of serious shoulder injuries cut short this path. He firmly believes things happen for a reason, through months of intense rehab (to avoid surgery), he began to re-kindle his love for the fitness industry and this is where his future began.

What makes us different?
In short, we look at your requirement from all angles, that of the user, athlete, coach, and business owner, not many can say this. We take great care to look at all aspects from the floor structure, lighting, daylight, flow of users, and activity requirements, and where possible future-proof what we do.

"We look at things differently and see different things"

Every client we work with is not a number, they are not a transaction and are every bit part of us and our growth. We don't work on 100s of projects at a time, we work on the ones we feel we can help the most and will benefit from our expertise and guidance. We ask lots of questions, we want you to think about every aspect of your project so that you have a full understanding of it and breath it.

We have a collection of brands we use to complement what we manufacture, these are best in class. We have trained on them, we have programmed them and we have fitted them to gyms, so we believe they are truly up to the job.
If we don't offer it, there is probably a good reason for this.

Why the name?
It's what we do, it is what we know and we believe the "Gym" is a place of betterment, a place of change, and a place of growth both physically and mentally. The "Gym" doesn't care who you are, how much your earn, what car you drive, or how much you can lift. You come to the gym to become fitter, stronger, faster, to improve, one rep at a time, one kilo at a time, one step at a time, and one day at a time. This is what we are built on, this is what we believe will make the world a happier and healthier place. 

We welcome you to The Gym Company and we look forward to working alongside you.